Alelo Inc. and the Institute for Creative Technologies (ICT) at the University of Southern California have partnered to co-develop highly effective, economical virtual role-playing learning technology that teaches competency, communication...
Alelo Inc. and the Institute for Creative Technologies (ICT) at the University of Southern California have partnered to co-develop highly effective, economical virtual role-playing learning technology that teaches competency, communication...
Alelo Inc. has partnered with Executive Development Associates and O'Donnell Learn, two prominent companies in competency-based education and professional development, to co-develop and co-market applications for the Alelo® Workplace Coach....
Alelo Inc. will showcase its latest advances in competency-based training and education at this year's Interservice/Industry Training, Simulation and Education Conference (I/ITSEC) in Orlando from November 30 to December 4.
Alelo has announced a competency assessment capability for its Alelo® Workplace Coach, an employee-development breakthrough that allows private and public organizations to provide all their workers with highly effective, affordable...
Alelo continues its highly successful 10-year relationship with the U.S. Department of Defense with recent contracts to develop new Virtual Cultural Awareness Trainer courses (VCATs). New VCAT courses will provide...
Alelo announces its Workplace Coach, an employee-development breakthrough that allows private and public organizations to provide all their workers with highly effective, affordable workplace-readiness and competency training.
Alelo has been selected for Military Training Technology's 2015 Top Simulation & Training Companies list. Companies featured on the list for 2015 are from around the world and have made...
NATO ACT (Allied Command Transformation) has ordered Alelo’s VRP® MIL product for use at the NATO Joint Force Training Centre (JFTC) in Bydgoszcz, Poland. JFTC plans to use it to...
Alelo will be discussing and demonstration our Virtual Role-Play Training products for U.S. Congressmen and women and their staffers on Thursday, July 9th in the foyer of the Rayburn Building...
Alelo’s Lewis Johnson is leading a webinar, and you are invited! CIRCL Webinar: How to Transition Cyberlearning Technologies out of the University Thursday, April 16, 2015 (online) 2–3 pm EDT...