
Join the Alelo Team

Why Join Alelo?

Grow in a career creating products for artificial intelligence training

Grow with Us

As the world shrinks, the importance of communication skills grows.

Our mission is using artificial intelligence to help people communicate better

Have a Job with a Mission

Alelo was born helping people all over the world communicate more effectively, and the results are measurable.

We value our highly skilled artificial intelligence training team

Be Rewarded for Making a Difference

We value our talent.

Work with a team skilled in artificial intelligence training

Be Part of a Diverse Team

At Alelo, you’ll find pedagogy, linguistics, technology, media, sales and more under one state-of-the-art roof.

Current Job Openings

We prefer candidates already residing in metropolitan Los Angeles, but will consider relocation for uniquely qualified individuals. Likewise, we prefer either U.S. citizens or permanent U.S. residents (unless noted). Many positions at Alelo require U.S. Citizenship for government clearance eligibility. See below for a list of our immediate openings. Please follow the application instructions described at the bottom of the job description page of the position for which you are applying. Please, no phone calls, direct emails or unscheduled visits. We only accept applications delivered by the prescribed format.

Please, no outsourcing companies or employment agencies.

We do not have any openings at this time